Detective Daniel Ehlers | Domestic Violence
(781) 979-4432 |

The Domestic Violence Division investigates domestic related assaults and abuse incidents.  Domestic Violence Officer investigates all incidents of domestic violence reported to the Melrose Police Department, including intimate partner violence, violence among family and/or household members.  The Domestic Violence Division are also available to discuss safety planning with victims and to help them understand the criminal justice process and their legal rights, including how to obtain a restraining order (209A RO) or harassment prevention order (258E HPO).

The Melrose Police Department partners with RESPOND, Inc. and the Melrose Alliance Against Violence to assist victims and survivors of domestic violence.


RESPOND’s community services are available to all victims and survivors of domestic violence. They include:

  • A 24-hour crisis hotline that provides emotional support, resource referrals, and information on legal options, statewide shelter availability and community resources.
  • Individual counseling and support groups, which help survivors to define and meet their goals regarding safety, housing, employment, health care, legal issues, divorce, custody, and education.
  • Basic assistance that helps program participants to access necessities, such as food, clothing, medication, transportation and temporary shelter.
  • Legal support that provides individuals with court accompaniment, assistance accessing legal aid services, and help with diverse legal issues including restraining orders, child custody, and immigration. Staff maintains a weekly presence in Malden District Court and work closely with the victim witness advocate program run by the Middlesex County District Attorney’s Office.

For more information, visit

Melrose Alliance Against Violence

The Melrose Alliance Against Violence (MAAV) is a nonprofit, community-based organization that works closely with the Melrose Police Department, focusing on outreach, education and community collaboration in order to raise awareness of the problems of bullying, teen dating and domestic violence.  Programs include community awareness activities, outreach and support for victims, training for parents and professionals, and education and prevention programs for youth.

For more information, visit

Additional Resources

SAFE LINK: The Massachusetts statewide toll free domestic violence hotline (877-785-2020) provides access to all DV shelters in Massachusetts. Operators can direct each victim to a shelter hotline and all services are confidential.

Summary of notice of rights for abuse victims

Frequently asked questions about domestic violence